Kings Knight Chess Club, Inc - A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Youth Organization

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About Our Club

The Kings Knight Chess Club, a 501(c) (3) corporation was created to promote discipline, patience, problem solving, and decision making skills through the game of chess. Chess has been proven to raise intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, strengthen problem solving skills, and enhance reading, memory and language abilities.

The mission of The Kings Knight Chess Club is to educate, empower and motivate youth and adults through the game of chess. By way of establishing scholastic chess programs in the public school systems and correctional facilities The Kings Knight Chess Club continues to make strides in the growth and empowerment of youth and adults throughout Hudson and Essex Counties.

The Kings Knight Chess Club believes that in addition to the aforementioned benefits chess fosters critical and creative thinking while teaching one to think logically and efficiently and plan their next move, regardless to the fact that the move is in chess or life! Our goal is to help those in need to develop life skills while having fun.

Our youth services include: summer camps, after school programs and chess activities in the following schools, programs and/or prisons:


P.S. # 16, 30 and 41

The OLC School

LHA Pre-School

Jersey City University Pre-College Program

It Takes A Village Day Care

Miller Branch Library

Booker T. Washington Gardens Youth Center


Newark Public Schools Office of Extended Day Programs:

Ann St. School,

Chancellor Avenue School,

15th Avenue School,

Gladys Hillman-Jones Middle School,

McKinley School,

Lincoln School,

Mt. Vernon School,

Ridge Street School,

Lafayette School,

Luis Munoz Nunez School,

William Brown School,

Communities In Schools of Newark, Inc.

21st Century Program

My Sistahz Keeper Association


Hudson County Chess Championship

Jersey City Public School Chess Championship

Newark Public School Chess Championship

Hudson Mall Chess Challenge


Hudson County Correctional Facility

Essex County Detention Center


New Jersey City University

(Jersey City Housing Authority - Booker T. Washington Apts., Montgomery Apts., Hudson Gardens, Holland Gardens, Marion Gardens, A. Harry Moore Apts., Curries Woods Apts.)

Urban Angels Day Care

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Kings Knight Summer Camp/Grove Reformed Church - North Bergen, New Jersey

In addition to The Kings Knight Chess Club's outstanding work in schools and correctional facilities, The Kings Knight Film-Works Production Company produced a short film titled "Think B4 You Move" that has furthered the mission and goals of The Kings Knight Chess Club. The film displays life living in a housing project, demonstrating the every day struggles faced, gangs, drug abuse and the importance of critical thinking, patience and planning. Youth learn to focus their attention and energy, think critically, plan and recover. As an alternative to our chess programs, youth also have available to them our summer and after school programs that feature a film workshop and a number of other activities..

We are proud to announce the Kings Knight Re-Entry Program (KKREP). Together with a variety of community supporters, we are developing a re-entry program that begins inside the prison.

The Kings Knight Re-Entry Program goal is develop a multi-model re-entry program that offers interventions that will bridge the gaps that are barriers to successful reintegration to their community, family, and they themselves. Our mission is to provide a source of hope to men and women who are returning to the community from incarceration. They will receive individual interventions without discrimination based on race, ethnicity, drug use, mental health status, sexuality or criminal justice history. Additionally, our goal is to reduce the rate of recidivism for men and women who do not receive adequate support upon their home coming. Our services will include: mentorship, job training, social service referrals and group and individual counseling. We will utilize the cognitive and behavioral techniques as well as those based in social theory. We will provide shelter and on-going direct services for those who need a temporary residence. Theses services will also include a trauma sensitive curriculum, a strong relapse prevention curriculum and parenting programs.

I thank you for the opportunity to share the mission and goals of The Kings Knight Chess Club. Should you need additional information, have questions or wish to speak with me please feel free to reach me at the number above.


Robert "Bobby" Stewart
Founder & Executive Director

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Isaiah 11:6
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatted calf together, and a little child shall lead them.